Past Events
Date: Wednesday, October 11
Time: 4:30-8:00 pm
Location: Chevy Chase Library
8005 Connecticut Ave,
Chevy Chase, MD 20815
(1 mile south of the Beltway)
4:30-6:00 "Strings and things" Our own mini-competency playground
Prepare for this opportunity by reviewing the companion videos below. All materials and tools will be provided. Please try to be there by 4:30 so you have time to participate in all the stations.
Station 1 - "Using a Micrometer"
Station 2 - "Making Good Tuning Pin Coils" - Rick Butler, RPT
Station 7/10A "Bending Wire & Making Hitch Pin Loops" - Tom Wright, RPT
Station 8 - "String Splice" - Robin Whitehouse -
6:00-7:00 Food & Business Meeting
7:00 - Technical - "Full Day Service in the Home"
Ashley Turner, RPT, Matthew Pearson, RPT, and Joyce Meekins, RPT will discuss their approaches to going above and beyond the routine service appointment in their full day service option. A roundtable discussion will continue on the topic after these presentations.